Thursday, July 2, 2009

Trash Your Fireworks Packaging

by Rob Kaszubowski, CPP - Chainalytics

As the Fourth of July holiday weekend nears, I’m sure many are already planning ahead for fun-filled activities of boating, barbequing, fishing, and surely fireworks! Of course it’s always important to remember safety first. This is especially true for fireworks and their proper disposal.

In today’s age of being “green” and environmentally friendly, the thoughts of recycling anything we can is constantly ringing in our heads. Many traditional fireworks are often made of recyclable materials like paperboard or corrugated, however, they also can contain metallic foils, rigid plastic bases and components and even left over explosive residue from the firework. All fireworks should be soaked in water and then properly disposed of in the trash – not the recycling bin.

Enjoy a safe and fun Fourth of July holiday!


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